SERVPRO of Indio, Coachella, Indian Wells, La Quinta Event Photos

SCORE Candidates Forum 2016
Score breakfast and candidates forum at the Agua caliente

Palm Springs State of the City 2015
Fun event with Palm Springs Chamber at Palm Springs State of the City 2015

Palm Springs Chamber of Commerce mixer at Spencers
At SERVPRO we are active throughout our valley. We believe that it is important to participate in your community. Here we are mixing it up at Spencers in Palm springs, located right on the side of a mountain. Great views.

Copper-theft Breakfast with the Indio Police Department
In this picture we have opened up our facility to the community to host an educational event on ferrous metal theft in the coachella valley. We were able to get the chief of police Richard Twiss and Assemblyman Brian Nestande.

Palm Springs Police Officer Association Golf Tourney
Since we are calld out to assist with trauma clean-up we feel it is important to offer support to the first responders, the police department. Here we are offering some concessions at the annual PSPOA golf tourney

City of Indio Groundbreaking at I-10
In this shot we see some of our local elected's at the groundbreaking at the Jefferson and I-10 overpass. This is the largest overpass project in the valley. We are all excited for the relief it will bring.

American Outreach Golf Tourney
The Coachella valley is home to many great causes, american outreach is one of them. They are a non-profit group that helps older adults who have mobility issues. Here we are showing our support at one of their fundraising golf events.

Rosie's Kids Golf Tourney
One of our staff has a child that was affected with a heart condition, we supported a local golf tournament that ties in with the cause. We are here to help.

Manager On The Run (MOTR) with CAI
One of the partnerships that we focus on each month is with our local CAI Chapter. With our valley having so many non-owner occupied homes , the property managers have their hands full. Here is one of the fun educational events they host.

Monroe Industrial Park Business watch
To further our relationship with the local police department we have implemented a Business watch. They are similar to a neighborhood watch, but for professional merchants. We have been hosting ours for the last three years.

CAI 2016 Annual Golf Tourney
In this photo we see a shot of the CAI golf tourney registration desk, pre-rush. The fun part about volunteeringis beign abot to interact in a positive way. Here to Help, SERVPRO.

Eagle Creek Dam, Ribbon cutting
Flooding is a major issue in the desert, when it happens. In recent years we have had several significant downpours that impacted our community. The Eagle creek dam has been built to counteract that concern.

N.A.R/C.A.R annual update with CDAR
We are blessed to have so many excellent speakers come to our desert. In this picture we see members of the national realtors executive board engaged in a discussion with local realtors.

The fun is about to start with SERVPRO at the Desert Business association mixer with the western business alliance. Palm springs hosts many great events and helps to connect local business owners.

SERVPRO at The Farmers Golf Tourney
Right in the heart of the action at SERVPRO fan village. In this picture we see a shot of the Farmers open at Torrey pines in lovely san diego. SERVPRO, "Like it never even happened".

Chandi Party
If you live in our valley, chances are that you have heard of Chandi. He is the owner of multiple business that help our community thrive. In this picture we see a shot from a private event that was held for some of the valley's elite.

Desert Hot Springs State of the City for 2015
Desert Hot Springs is home to some of the best hot springs in the world. In this photo we are at the Miracle spa resort attending the state of the city.

C.E.T - TAC group
We are always looking for good people that want to improve themselves. One of the ways that we help them to succeed is to partner with Center for Employee Training's Technical Advisor Committee. We work with the school to improve the students education.

Womens Leadership Forum- Financial seminar
Hosted at The Agua Caliente resort, the WLF Financial Seminar focuses on preparing women for budgeting in life. The class is hosted by a panel of local experts who offer insight into running "women-owned" business's.

Kiwanis sponsorship of Indio High Scholarship
In this picture we see a shot of the 2014 recepient for our kiwanis scholarship. Our club has been able to assist many children over the course of its tenure.

CDAR golf tourney at Bellatrix
It seems that we are known for golf in our valley, with over 130 courses, a person can become distracted by all the options. Thankfully, we are too busy working to get distracted with such good times.

Indio City Block Party with ECVK
The East Coachella Valley Kiwanis were out in force for the 2015 Indio block party. We had our booth setup in the vendor area and we also provided security at the bounce house's for the kids.

Indio city Block Party- Valley Crimestoppers
We were also able to assist with setup for the Valley Crime stoppers group. We are currently Boardmembers, we love to help our city and show real home town spirit.

Loma Linda Ronald Mcdonald Walk in LQ, CA 2016
Being on the advisory board for Ronald Mcdonald Loma Linda is such a privilage. We find our selves getting to put down deeper roots in our valley. In this shot we see members of our team that are ready to walk

Palm Desert Business Expo 2013
The Palm Desert business expo is one of the valleys best events. As a vendor you are sure to get the attention you are seeking, from clients or other prospective candidates.

DBA installation awards 2014
Installation awards can be such a great time, everyone that is part of the group has an opportunity to come together. We held that year's event at the saguaro, what a blast.

Palm Springs Chamber of Commerce 2013 Golf Tourney
We can’t get enough golf out here, fun times at the palm springs chamber of commerce annual golf tourney. Hosted at the beautiful Indian Canyon resort this is the epitome of Palm Springs golf.

Indio Chamber Ribbon cutting
Ribbon cuttings are another way for the chamber to promote its members. This picture is from the Gothic Grounds ribbon cutting. It was also around st. pattys day, so a little green was in order.

CVRM Multi Chamber ribbon cutting
This is picture is of the ribbon cutting for the new annex at the Coachella valley rescue mission. We work with CVRM and C.O.R.P to offer OJT programs when possible.

Teambuilding at the Bowling alley in 2013
We lit up the lanes at fantasy springs bowling alley for our yearly teambuilding event.